
Dear Ron, I've been remiss in not being in touch with you since our last talk. The remedy you gave me must have helped, as I was able to get off all the meds the following week. My recovery from the surgery went faster than I expected, and since mid-August I have not needed the cane, and been able to do most everything I want (except I'll use an elliptical machine instead of jogging now.) I'm deeply grateful for your guidance and concern during my period of challenge after the surgery, (as well as prior to the surgery.) I continue to learn from you and I highly value your perspective and advice.
PW, Litchfield, CT

"I've come to value the homeopathic approach especially as viewed through your experience and eyes. The beauty of homeopathy is that it treats the whole person, so you are right that my health issues are not isolated to one organ. Hoping to schedule a consult in the near future to continue peeling back layers as I move toward improved health. Thankful indeed to have a doctor whose expertise and care are keenly felt".
MKG, New York

I wanted to thank you for all your help and your calm, reassuring and SENSIBLE approach to doctoring. I wish there were more like you. We probably wouldn't be in this health care mess if there were. For someone with pretty bad anxiety, the way medicine is practiced only makes it worse. I guess the panic approach sells drugs and surgery but it certainly isn't healing, so THANK YOU for being out there. I for one, feel eternally grateful that (someone) gave me your name.
ST, Boston, MA

"Thank you for helping Laura get rid of that (formerly) chronic cough. We are truly greatful for your effective care, and consistent accessibility and concern."
MP, New York

Dr. Whitmont, I could never have gotten here without you. Thank you for your kindness and strength. I am so grateful you were and are in my life.
HHR, Nyack, NY.

"I also wish to tell you that your caring comes across despite both our disappointments regarding a cure for my affliction. Anyone who shows compassion is in itself a form of healing... many thanks."
AH, New York

"I just want to thank you for the support you provided in the past year. It’s been such a roller-coaster and your guidance has made a world of difference. It’s not just the homeopathic remedies, but the care and sense you lend to things that saved the day- many of them for me. You are gifted and you must have evidence of that all around, but I do thank you very, very sincerely."
LS, Connecticut

Thank you so much for your continued kindness and patience. I know that you may feel that you’re just doing the best job that you can and you treat people as you would want to be treated, but for me, you are a VITAL part of the support system I have; I simply couldn’t have survived this on my own. Very few Drs. Put as much of themselves into their practice as you do, and I appreciate every little bit of the sacrifices you’ve made. I hope those days when you feel tired and worn out, you remember this.
AM, Wallkill, NY

I just wanted to say thank you for all of your diligent care over the years and especially the last few months... I really do appreciate everything. Thank you for your deep listening and hearing, your unending (and at times unnerving) optimism. You are a gifted doctor, healer, human being. We are all very lucky to have you in our lives. I am not sure what I would do without you, homeopathy, it’s ability to unlayer bit by bit, each time allowing more of our innate light to illumine our paths. Thank you so much, again.

"Dear Dr. Whitmont, Thank you for your patience, persistence and kindness in treating me. Once I received the right remedy, the agonizing hammering in my temples stopped; and my body was able to heal. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you! Thank you, with care."
SK, New York

Thank you for the excellent care you give our family! We truly appreciate the option you provide and know we're all better off because of it.
EW , Rosendale, NY

Hi Dr. Whitmont, I just wanted to say thank you. You are tirelessly patient and kind. It has been a pleasure being doctored by you these past few years. I appreciate it with all my heart.
MS, Philadelphia, PA

Dr. Whitmont is very intelligent, full of integrity, insightful, a wonderful listener, kind, gives great medical advice and personal advice, and cares for and treats the whole person. He has been a huge support in my life, and I have made a lot of progress in the past two years with his treatment. I have been learning a lot about myself, and healing, through his counseling, and patient support. I have a tremendous respect for Dr. Whitmont and feel that he is a very valuable resource for people with Lyme; as well as a model of what an authentic, educated, and quality doctor can be. To me, Dr. Whitmont, through his personality/style, and education and background, bridges and combines both the scientific/rational/physical aspects of health and healing, with the emotional, mental and spiritual realms.
MM, Virginia, USA

"I wanted to let you know how thrilled I am to be alive... You have no idea how many times I have described you as my angel this year. I am so immensely appreciative of your walking through this year with me. Your clarity and knowledge of both healing worlds was an invaluable help to me and my family. I can look back knowing with the most certainty that is possible in this crazy world of cancer that I made the best decisions I could make. That is a tremendous relief for me... You are here in my heart with gratitude... Thank you for being a ray of light in the darkness and the warmth of hope in this past cold winter.... I am forever grateful for you seeing me through so much of the challenge Ron. Your clear sightedness probably saved my life. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for us."
MP, New York

"Thank you for all your help and kind consideration and thought provoking questioning this past year! I feel more whole and fuller than I’ve ever known... I want you to know that since I’ve been working with you- almost 2 years now- I feel that my well being boosted up a few- maybe- yes- more than a few notches...Thank you always for “being there” and for your medical and spiritual, really, companionship... Thanks so much for your help once again- I believe very much in your ability to comprehend that whim takes me towards illness from time to time- This understanding, your gifts as an MD, are invaluable to me. My best."
LA, New Jersey

I just want to let you know that I feel very lucky to have you as my doctor and am so thankful that you are part of my healing journey. It means so much to me, having your support, care and guidance. Wishing you the very best and abundant health, wealth and happiness in 2015. Many Thanks!
MM, North Carolina

Hi Dr. Whitmont, Thanks to you, Ray is such a healthy boy. Going on 10 years old. I came to you at a time when pediatrician's where denying me to come to their practice because I did not want to vaccinate my pre-mature son. I was asked to leave at his pre-school because Ray had not been vaccinated. My friend recommended I see you, and you were the only one that agreed with my decision to not vaccinate. I knew I had found the right pediatrician for Ray. You put me at ease when Ray would run high temperatures as a infant and toddler. When I would get so nervous because of how we are programmed to believe to give children Tylenol with the onset of a fever. You taught me that fevers were the body's way of treating infection and treated him only with homeopathic medicine. Now I find that he barely gets sick, when so many of his classmates are getting coughs, colds and even more severe viruses, Ray seems to get through it without the need of medical intervention. I only need to call you maybe once or twice a year, but usually nothing too serious. I sincerely thank you and contribute my sons good heath to you alone! If I hadn't of been introduced to you, I'm not sure that I would have had the continued support in my belief's that over vaccinating was harmful to my son's health and vaccine usage in this country seemed to benefit the pharmaceutical companies more then benefitting the children. I have forwarded your newsletter to several friends and colleagues in hopes that they will meet you and learn about a better way of health care. Thanks From KP in NYC

"Just a little note to say thank you for finding the right remedy! This is my first season in a decade that I am allergy free for the whole summer- and what a difference it makes in my life."
MB, New York